Package iaik.asn1

Interface Summary
ASN1Type Interface for objects, which implement an ASN.1 type.
EncodeListener Interface to be implemented for supplying relevant information actually during the encoding process.

Class Summary
ASN The ASN class registers the several ASN.1 types.
ASN1 This class is responsible for converting ASN.1 objects between internal (ASN1Object) and external (PEM, DER encoded arrays) representation.
ASN1Object This abstract class defines the external interface for ASN.1 object, both primitive and constructed.
ASN1String Abstract super class for all ASN.1 String types.
BIT_STRING This class implements the native ASN.1 type "BIT STRING".
BMPString This class implements the native ASN.1 type "BMPString".
BOOLEAN This class implements the native ASN.1 type "BOOLEAN".
CON_SPEC This class implements the tagged ASN.1 type "CONTEXT SPECIFIC".
ConstructedType This class is the super class for all structured ASN.1 types.
DerCoder This class provides DER en/decoding utility for arbitrary ASN.1 structures.
DerInputStream This class can be used to parse an InputStream containing DER encoded data.
ENUMERATED This class implements the native ASN.1 type "ENUMERATED".
GeneralizedTime This class implements the native ASN.1 type "GeneralizedTime".
GeneralString This class implements the native ASN.1 type "GENERAL STRING".
IA5String This class implements the native ASN.1 type "IA5String".
INTEGER This class implements the native ASN.1 type "INTEGER".
NULL This class implements the native ASN.1 type "NULL".
NumericString This class implements the native ASN.1 type "NumericString".
ObjectID This class implements the ASN.1 native type "OBJECT IDENTIFIER".
OCTET_STRING This class implements the native ASN.1 type "OCTET STRING".
PrintableString This class implements the native ASN.1 type "PrintableString".
SEQUENCE This class implements the ASN.1 native type "SEQUENCE".
SET This class implements the ASN.1 native type "SET".
T61String This class implements the native ASN.1 type "T61String" (TeletexString).
UNIString This class implements the native ASN.1 type "UniveralString".
UNKNOWN This class is used to decode unknown PRIVATE or APPLICATION ASN.1 types.
UTCTime This class implements the native ASN.1 type "UTCTime".
UTF8String This class implements the ASN.1 character string type "UTF8String".
VisibleString This class implements the native ASN.1 type "VisibleString" (ISO646String).

Exception Summary
CodingException Signals that an ASN.1 encoding or decoding exception has occured.

This Javadoc may contain text parts from Internet Standard specifications (RFC 2459, 3280, 3039, 2560, 1521, 821, 822, 2253, 1319, 1321, ,2630, 2631, 2268, 3058, 2984, 2104, 2144, 2040, 2311, 2279, see copyright note) and RSA Data Security Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS#1,3,5,7,8,9,10,12, see copyright note).

IAIK-JCE 3.1 with IAIK-JCE CC Core 3.1, (c) 1997-2004 IAIK