
Interface Summary
ClientTrustDecider Deprecated. see SSLContext JavaDoc and separate document for the new authentication framework
ServerTrustDecider Deprecated. see SSLContext JavaDoc and separate document for the new authentication framework
SSLCommunication SSLCommunication is an interface that defines all SSL relevant public methods.
TLS13Communication Extends TLSCommunication to add some methods implemented by SSLTransport and SSLSocket.
TLSCommunication Extends SSLCommunication to add some methods implemented by SSLTransport and SSLSocket.
TrustDecider Deprecated. see SSLContext JavaDoc and separate document for the new authentication framework

Class Summary
ALPNProtocolName This class represents a ProtocolName as used by the TLS application_layer_protocol_negotiation extension (see RFC 7301).
ALPNProtocolNameList This class implements the ProtocolNameList structure as used by the application_layer_protocol_negotiation TLS extension (see RFC 7301).
CertificateAuthorities This class implements the TLS 1.3 CertificateAuthorities (certificate_authorities) TLS extension as specified by RFC 8446.
CertificateStatusRequest This class implements the CertificateStatusRequest structure as used by the staus_request TLS extension.
ChainVerifier This class implements the ChainVerifier used by iSaSiLk by default.
CipherSuite A CipherSuite defines a cipher specification supported in SSL and TLS.
CipherSuiteList This class implements a list of cipher suites to select the enabled cipher suites etc.
ClientCertificateURL This class implements the client_certificate_url TLS extension.
CompressionMethod Defines the compression methods supported in SSL Version 3.0.
DebugSSL This class contains a few compile time settings for the iSaSiLk library.
DefaultNoTrustChainVerifier Alternative ChainVerifier implementation that rejects any certificate if no trust anchor has been set.
DefaultPSKManager Default PSKManager.
DefaultSessionManager This class implements a simple Default SessionManager.
DefaultTicketKeysManager The default TicketKeysManager implementation.
ExtendedMasterSecret This class implements the extended_master_secret TLS extension as specified by RFC 7627.
ExtendedPrintWriter This is a PrintWriter class that lets you specify the newline to be used; e.g. if you want to use CRLF or LF only.
Extension This class is the basic implementation for all TLS extensions.
ExtensionList This class represents a TLS ExtensionList.
ExtensionType This class represents the extension_type field as defined in RFC 4366 TLS Extensions.
IaikEccProvider Deprecated. use IAIK ECCelerateTM
IaikJCECipher This class is used to forward Cipher object creation to the IAIK-JCE library.
IaikProvider This class implements the SecurityProvider interface for the provider IAIK.
KeyAndCert This class stores a key and the corresponding certificate chain.
KeyAndCertURL This class represents client credentials to be used when a client_certificate_url extension has been negotiated.
KeyShare This class implements the TLS 1.3 KeyShare (key_share) TLS extension as specified by RFC 8446.
KeyShare.KeyShareEntry Implements the KeyShareEntry struct.
MaxFragmentLength This class implements the MaxFragmentLength structure as used by the max_fragment_length TLS extension.
NamedGroup This class implements the NamedGroup element of the SupportedGroups (supported_groups) TLS extension as specified by RFC 7919, RFC 8446.
NullCompression This class implements the default NULL compression method specified in SSL version 3.0 (identity operation).
OCSPCertStatusChainVerifier This class represents a ChainVerifier to may be used on the client side for checking OCSP certificate status information about the server certificate when the server sends a certificate_status handshake message in response to a status_request extension sent by the client.
OCSPCertStatusKeyAndCert This class represents server credentials to may be used for sending OCSP certificate status information about the server certificate when the client has sent a status_request extension.
OCSPStatusRequest Implements the OCSPStatusRequest structure to may be sent within a status_request extension of type ocsp.
PKCS1v15DigestInfo Collects DigestInfo prefix encodings for the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 signature scheme as used by TLS 1.2.
PostHandshakeAuth This class implements the TLS 1.3 post_handshake_auth TLS extension as specified by RFC 8446.
PreSharedKey Pre-shared key to be used by PSK cipher suites according to RFC 4279.
PSKCredential This class represents a PSKCredential for use with PSK (pre-shared key) based cipher suites ( RFC 4279).
PskKeyExchangeModes This class implements the TLS 1.3 psk_key_exchange_modes extension (see RFC 8446).
PskKeyExchangeModes.PskKeyExchangeMode PskKeyExchangeMode.
PSKManager Abstract parent class of all PSKManagers.
SecurityProvider This interface centralizes all security provider dependent code.
ServerName This class represents a ServerName as used by the TLS server_name extension (see RFC 4366).
ServerNameList This class implements the ServerNameList structure as used by the server_name TLS extension.
Session A Session holds all information which is needed to resume an old session.
SessionID This class implements a session identifier.
SessionManager An abstract parent class of all SessionManagers.
SessionTicket This class implements the session_ticket TLS extension as specified by RFC 4507 (and its successor RFC 5077).
SignatureAlgorithms This class implements the TLS 1.2 / TLS 1.3 signature_algorithms extension as specified by RFC 5246 and RFC 8446.
SignatureAlgorithmsCert This class implements the signature_algorithms_cert extension RFC 8446.
SignatureAndHashAlgorithm Implements the TLS 1.2 SignatureAndHashAlgorithm structure as specified by RFC 5246.
SignatureAndHashAlgorithmList Implements the TLS 1.2 SignatureAndHashAlgorithmList structure used by the SignatureAlgorithms extension as specified by RFC 5246.
SignatureScheme Implements the TLS 1.3 SignatureScheme structure as specified by RFC 8446.
SignatureSchemeList Implements the TLS 1.3 SignatureSchemeList structure used by the SignatureAlgorithms extension as specified by RFC 8446.
SSLCertificate Deprecated. this class should no longer be used by applications.
SSLClientContext This class extends the SSLContext to add client related information to an SSL/TLS policy.
SSLContext This class and its subclasses are used to define a SSL/TLS security policy for an SSLTransport.
SSLOutputStream This is the OutputStream which is returned by SSLTransport.getOutputStream.
SSLServerContext This class extends the SSLContext to add server related information to an SSL/TLS policy.
SSLServerSocket This class implements SSL server sockets.
SSLSocket This class implements the SSL/TLS transport over Java sockets.
SSLSocketTransport Transport implementation for SSL over an ordinary socket.
SSLTransport This class implements a secure transport using the SSL/TLS protocol suite.
SSLTransportSpi This class defines an interface that allows you to implement SSL over you own transport.
SupportedEllipticCurves This class implements the SupportedEllipticCurves (elliptic_curves) TLS extension as specified by RFC 4492, 8422.
SupportedEllipticCurves.NamedCurve TLS NamedCurve.
SupportedGroups This class implements the SupportedGroups (supported_groups) TLS extension as specified by RFC 7919, RFC 8446.
SupportedGroups.NamedFFDHEGroup TLS NamedFFDHEGroup.
SupportedPointFormats This class implements the SupportedPointFormats (ec_point_formats) TLS extension as specified by RFC 4492.
SupportedPointFormats.ECPointFormat TLS ECC PointFormat.
TicketKeyBag This class represents a bag for cipher and MAC keys to be used for SessionTicket protection.
TicketKeyBag.KeyName This class represents the key name of a TicketKeyBag.
TicketKeysManager The TicketKeys manager manages the TicketKeyBag cipher and MAC keys to be used for SessionTicket protection.
TLS13Certificate TLS 1.3 Certificate handshake message.
TLS13Certificate.CertificateEntry TLS 1.3 CertificateEntry.
TLS13Certificate.X509CertificateEntry TLS 1.3 X.509 CertificateEntry.
TLS13CipherSuite TLS 1.3 cipher suite.
TLS13OCSPCertStatusChainVerifier This class represents a ChainVerifier to may be used for checking OCSP certificate status information about the peer certificate.
TLS13PostHandshakeConfig TLS 1.3 post handshake configuration.
TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13KeyUpdateConfig Configuration for post handshake type KEY_UPDATE.
TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13NewSessionTicketConfig Configuration for post handshake type NEW_SESSION_TICKET.
TLS13PostHandshakeConfig.TLS13PostHandshakeAuthConfig Configuration for post handshake type POST_HANDSHAKE_AUTH.
TruncatedHMAC This class implements the truncated_hmac TLS extension.
TrustedAuthorities This class implements the TrustedAuthorities structure as used by the trusted_ca_keys TLS extension.
TrustedAuthority This class represents a TrustedAuthority as used by the TLS trusted_ca_keys extension (see RFC 4366).
UnknownExtension This class implements any unknown TLS extension.
URLAndOptionalHash This class represents a URLAndOptionalHash as used by the TLS client_certificate_url extension (see RFC 4366).
Utils Some basic utility methods.

Exception Summary
PropertyInitException Exception indicating a problem during initialization from file.
SSLCertificateException Signals some certificate related problem.
SSLCertificateRuntimeException Maybe used by an application for wrapping a self-designed certificate validation exception.
SSLException Signals that an SSL exception of some sort has occurred.

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

iSaSiLk 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003 - 2015 SIC