IAIK High-Level API
version 1.1

Uses of Class

Uses of KeyAndCertificate in iaik.hlapi

Methods in iaik.hlapi that return KeyAndCertificate
static KeyAndCertificate KeyAndCertificate.generateSelfSigned(String algorithm, String provider, int keySize, String subjectDN)
          Generate a new key-pair and create a self-signed certificate with it.
static KeyAndCertificate[] KeyAndCertificate.readKeyStore(InputStream stream, String type, String provider, char[] password)
          Read a Java keystore.
static KeyAndCertificate KeyAndCertificate.readPkcs12(InputStream fileStream, char[] password)
          Read the the private key with associated certificate chain from a stream, e.g. a file input stream.

Methods in iaik.hlapi with parameters of type KeyAndCertificate
 void XMLDecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
          This method does nothing because decryption is unsupported.
 void SMimeDecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
abstract  void DecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
          Register a key to be a decryption key for the associated certificate.
 void CMSDecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
 void SMimeSignerEncrypter.setSigningKey(KeyAndCertificate signingKey)
 void SignerEncrypter.setSigningKey(KeyAndCertificate signingKey)
          Set the signing key.
 void CMSSignerEncrypter.setSigningKey(KeyAndCertificate signingKey)
static void KeyAndCertificate.writeKeyStore(KeyAndCertificate[] keys, OutputStream out, String type, String provider, char[] password)
          Store the given keys with their certificates (or certificate chains) to the given stream.

IAIK High-Level API
version 1.1

Copyright © 2007, IAIK, Graz University of Technology
Copyright © 2007, Stiftung SIC