IAIK High-Level API
version 1.1

Uses of Class

Uses of HlApiException in iaik.hlapi

Subclasses of HlApiException in iaik.hlapi
 class CertificateValidationException
          This exception signals that the validation of a certificate failed.
 class NoKeyException
          This exception signals that there was an attempt to invoke an operation for which there is no (suitable) key available.
 class SignatureVerificationException
          This exception signals that the cryptographic verification of a signature value failed.

Methods in iaik.hlapi that throw HlApiException
 void XMLSignerEncrypter.addRecipient(X509Certificate recipientCert)
          This method is unsupported and always throws a HlApiException.
 void SMimeSignerEncrypter.addRecipient(X509Certificate recipientCert)
 void SignerEncrypter.addRecipient(X509Certificate recipientCert)
          Add one recipient of the encrypted data.
 void CMSSignerEncrypter.addRecipient(X509Certificate recipientCert)
          Add one recipient of the encrypted data.
 byte[] KeyAndCertificate.generateCertificateRequest()
          Create a PKCS#10 certificate request that contains the subject DN of the certificate of this object.
static KeyAndCertificate KeyAndCertificate.generateSelfSigned(String algorithm, String provider, int keySize, String subjectDN)
          Generate a new key-pair and create a self-signed certificate with it.
static String KeyAndCertificate.getEMailAddress(X509Certificate certificate)
          Get the e-mail address of the subject out of the certificate.
 Date SMimeDecrypterVerifier.getSigningTime()
          Get the signing time of this signed e-mail message or null if the message was unsigned or did not contain a signing time.
abstract  Date DecrypterVerifier.getSigningTime()
          Get the signing time which was encoded as a signed property in the signature object.
 Date CMSDecrypterVerifier.getSigningTime()
 byte[] SignerEncrypter.process(byte[] data)
          Sign and/or encrypt the given block of data.
 byte[] DecrypterVerifier.process(byte[] data)
          Decrypt and/or verify the given data.
 InputStream XMLDecrypterVerifier.process(InputStream signature)
          Verify the given XML signature.
 InputStream SMimeDecrypterVerifier.process(InputStream in)
abstract  InputStream DecrypterVerifier.process(InputStream data)
          Decrypt and/or verify the given data.
 InputStream CMSDecrypterVerifier.process(InputStream data)
 OutputStream XMLSignerEncrypter.process(OutputStream out)
          This implementation overwrites SignerEncrypter.process(OutputStream).
 OutputStream SMimeSignerEncrypter.process(OutputStream out)
abstract  OutputStream SignerEncrypter.process(OutputStream out)
          This method returns an OutputStream.
 OutputStream CMSSignerEncrypter.process(OutputStream out)
static X509Certificate KeyAndCertificate.readCertificate(InputStream fileStream)
          Read a single certificate.
static X509Certificate[] KeyAndCertificate.readCertificateChain(InputStream fileStream)
          Read a certificate chain.
static KeyAndCertificate[] KeyAndCertificate.readKeyStore(InputStream stream, String type, String provider, char[] password)
          Read a Java keystore.
static KeyAndCertificate KeyAndCertificate.readPkcs12(InputStream fileStream, char[] password)
          Read the the private key with associated certificate chain from a stream, e.g. a file input stream.
 void XMLDecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
          This method does nothing because decryption is unsupported.
 void SMimeDecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
abstract  void DecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
          Register a key to be a decryption key for the associated certificate.
 void CMSDecrypterVerifier.registerDecryptionKey(KeyAndCertificate decryptionKey)
 void SMimeSignerEncrypter.setSigningKey(KeyAndCertificate signingKey)
 void SignerEncrypter.setSigningKey(KeyAndCertificate signingKey)
          Set the signing key.
 void CMSSignerEncrypter.setSigningKey(KeyAndCertificate signingKey)
 void XMLSignerEncrypter.setXAdESVersion(String version)
          Set the version string for the signed properties.
 void KeyAndCertificate.storePkcs12(OutputStream out, char[] password)
          Store this key and certificate (or certificate chain) to the given stream.
 X509Certificate[] CertValidator.validate(X509Certificate cert)
          This is a shortcut for validate(cert, null) and constructs and validates a certificate chain with respect to the current time.
 X509Certificate[] PkixCertValidator.validate(X509Certificate cert, Date date)
abstract  X509Certificate[] CertValidator.validate(X509Certificate cert, Date date)
          Validate the given certificate for which to construct and validate a certificate chain.
 void CertValidator.validateChain(X509Certificate[] certChain)
          This is a shortcut for validateChain(certChain, null) and validates the certificate chain with respect to the current time.
 void PkixCertValidator.validateChain(X509Certificate[] certChain, Date date)
abstract  void CertValidator.validateChain(X509Certificate[] certChain, Date date)
          Validate the given certificate chain, which is a complete chain excluding the trusted root certificate.
 X509Certificate[] DecrypterVerifier.verify(CertValidator validator)
          Verify the signature value of the signed data that was recently parsed using DecrypterVerifier.process(byte[]) or DecrypterVerifier.process(InputStream).
static void KeyAndCertificate.writeKeyStore(KeyAndCertificate[] keys, OutputStream out, String type, String provider, char[] password)
          Store the given keys with their certificates (or certificate chains) to the given stream.

IAIK High-Level API
version 1.1

Copyright © 2007, IAIK, Graz University of Technology
Copyright © 2007, Stiftung SIC