Package iaik.smime

Interface Summary
Canonicalizer Interface to be implemented for providing a special canonicalization scheme.
CryptoContent Interface implemented by all IAIK CryptoContent implementations.

Class Summary
AuthEncryptedContent This class can be used to create and parse authenticated encrypted S/MIME messages in combination with the JavaMailTM API (javax.mail).
BinaryCanonicalizer A canonicalizer that turns off canonicalization at all.
CanonicalizeInputStream Canonicalizes an input stream so that any line is finished by a CRFL (13, 10).
CanonicalizeOutputStream Canonicalizes an output stream so that any line is finished by a CRFL (13, 10).
CompressedContent This class can be used to create compressed S/MIME emails in combination with the JavaMail API (javax.mail package).
DefaultCanonicalizer The default canonicalizer.
encrypted_content This class implements a DataContentHandler for the MIME type: "application/(x-)pkcs7-mime".
EncryptedContent This class can be used to create and parse encrypted S/MIME messages in combination with the JavaMailTM API (javax.mail).
JMailSMimeSigned This class extends class SMimeSigned for ensuring to write the body parts in right order.
pkcs10_content This class implements a DataContentHandler for the MIME type: "application/(x-)pkcs10".
PKCS10Content This class can be used to create S/MIME application/pkcs10 emails in combination with the javax.mail package.
SharedByteArrayInputStream SharedInputStream implementation based on a ByteArrayInputStream.
SharedFileInputStream A SharedFileInputStream for reading data from a file.
signed_content This class implements a data content handler for the S/MIME types application/(x-)pkcs7-signature and multipart/signed.
SignedContent This class can be used to create and parse signed S/MIME emails in combination with the JavaMailTM API (javax.mail).
SMimeAuthEncrypted This class represents the "CMS AuthEnvelopedData object carrying" part of a S/MIME message.
SMimeBodyPart This class extends the standard MimeBodyPart class of the javax.mail.internet package about MessageDigest calculation.
SMimeContent Abstract class that implements some methods that are used by both, EncryptedContent and CompressedContent.
SMimeEncrypted This class represents the "CMS EnvelopedData object carrying" part of a S/MIME message.
SMimeMailer Simple S/MIME mailing tool based on the IAIK-JCE SmtpMailer utility.
SMimeMultipart Extends the MimeMultipart class of the javax.mail.internet package.
SMimeParameters Class for deciding whether to use old or new S/MIME content types and defining a specific canonicalization scheme.
SMimeSigned This class represents the "CMS SignedData object carrying" part of a S/MIME signed message.
SMimeSignerInfo Extends SignerInfo to use a set of S/MIME standard attributes.
SMimeUtil This class provides some utilties.
TrustVerifier A TrustVerifier object keeps track of trusted certificates and verifies certificate chains.

Exception Summary
SMimeException This exception is thrown when there occurs a problem with S/MIME.
SMimeRuntimeException This exception may be thrown if there occurs an error caused at runtime.

This Javadoc may contain text parts from text parts from IETF Internet Standard specifications (see copyright note).

IAIK-CMS 6.0, (c) 2002 IAIK, (c) 2003, 2023 SIC